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price cutting 減價,削價。

price index

Sales of locally made vehicles totaled 8 , 660 , according to state media reports . paul nolasco , a toyota spokesman in tokyo , said the japanese automaker s price cuts were spurred by calls from consumers for lower prices and by the company s growing ability to cut costs as its production ventures in china mature 晨曦解釋說,擱置再三的原因主要有三個方面:一是產業政策不更新, “整車特征”師出無名二是,整車納稅操作難度很大,涉及的面很廣三是,相關配套網絡建設與管理需要相應的準備時間。

In co - operation with cis . com . cn , beijing telecom offered internet connection cards , which provides high - speed connection and capacity . “ we will not cut price for the sake of it , we do things in our own way , “ a representative from beijing telecom said . what they are saying the sharp price cut in the internet connection fees and dial - up phone charges have aroused excitements and uncertainty among internet surfers 兩年前,圖瓦魯將其tv域名獨家代理權拍賣出售,通過激烈競爭,加州的一家互聯網公司dottvcompany以10年內至少支付5000萬美元,以及外加該公司出售tv域名權所得的15 %提成費的優惠條件競拍成功。

However , total vehicle output and sales will grow by some 13 per cent this year , down from 35 per cent last year , zhu said . analysts attribute the decelerating growth of vehicle output and sales this year largely to banks controls on car loans , soaring oil prices and customers anticipation of further price cuts 今年4月16日,由東風汽車有限公司生產的東風風圣系列客車dhz6115hr系列客車和dhz6113hr系列客車在東風杭州客車廠下線,這兩款系列客車均采用日本富土重工的車身制造技術。

And it allows for realistic shifts in relative prices between different products to be achieved without actual price cuts which are seen as difficult to effect in some economies - though evidently not in hong kong . for hong kong , with the exchange rate fixed through the currency board system , it is not possible to steer the underlying rate of inflation 此外, 2 %的通脹率亦可讓不同產品的相對價格出現實際變動而無需真正調低價格對部分經濟體系來說,真正調低價格相當困難,但對香港來說當然不是這樣。

For now , carmakers are expected to rein in expansion , trim prices and gird for a shake - out to cull weaker players . shanghai volkswagen s chief , joerg blecker , said his firm is focused on cutting costs , but does not have plans for further price cuts . “ if carmakers continue to rely on pushing out new models and cutting prices , it s unlikely there ll be any improvement , “ said xu xiang at southern securities 2003年,福田汽車產銷量全國排名第五,位列2003年中國企業500強第88位,被財富雜志評為中國上市公司100強之一和中國最具發展潛力上市公司50強之一在紀念中國汽車工業50周年評選中,福田汽車被評為“發展速度最快,成長性最好”的企業,公司總經理王金玉榮獲“中國汽車工業五十年杰出人物”稱號,時代輕卡被評為中國輕卡行業第一品牌。

The main reason for the sales growth plunge is that many customers have delayed buying cars in strong anticipation of further price cuts as producers reduce prices frequently and china will continue to slash tariffs and remove quotas on car imports next year , said jia xinguang of the china automotive industry consulting and development corp 通用汽車董事長瓦格納稱,近來油價飆升使得開發新能源以替代傳統汽油和柴油動力汽車的任務更為迫在眉睫隨著2008年北京奧運會和2010年上海世界博覽會的臨近,中國正在加快開發推廣清潔能源車。

By 2008 , it wants to bump that up to 1 . 6 million units via a 5 . 3 billion euro 7 . 1 billion investment . but executives and analysts say demand - wrecked in part by beijing s clampdown on easy car loans - may not begin to recover until the second half of 2005 at the earliest as customers look forward to more price cuts and greater ease of imports this year 今年的客車市場將在小幅增長中收官,除了旅游公交和農村客車這三大因素以外,客車的出口也是今年的亮點,與過去相比,出口的企業多了,出口的渠道順了,出口的產品越來越豐富,出口的方式也越來越高明了。

Customers paying a minimal surcharge can enjoy a time - guaranteed delivery by the designated time the next working day after posting . contemporaneous with the network expansion , there will be a sharp price cut of up to 48per cent discount on the existing surcharge for speedpost premium service 顧客只需付出低廉的附加費,就可享有于收件后下一個工作日的指定時間內將郵件送達目的地的派遞保證;于擴展網絡的同時,服務附加費的價格減幅更高達百分之四十八。

Formosa petrochemical corp . , a unit of the formosa group , announced unexpected price cuts on local petroleum products yesterday , saying that high international crude oil prices could level off again in the near future in view of 6 ) opec ' s decision to increase output 臺塑集團旗下的臺塑石油公司昨天無預警地宣布調降本地油品價格,該公司指出飆高的國際原油價格可望在不久的將來因石油輸出國家組織決定提高輸出量而再度降價。

Sales of domestically - made vehicles , especially passenger buses , slowed sharply last year as a result of banks controls on auto loans , high oil prices and customers reticence to buy due to frequent price cuts 快速公交可謂是彌補了地鐵建設很多的不利因素,并且很多已經實行了快速公交城市的生動例子,也充分表明快速公交對于城市建設的重要性。

During buying through public bidding , sellers ' pricing strategy is “ the highest price possible to win the tender “ , which leaves little room for price cut under the thought of fluke 在招標采購中,賣方的定價心理是“在低價中標的同時爭取價格最高“ ,在只有一次出價機會的投標過程中必然導致僥幸取勝的行為,從而使降價空間縮小

“ while their sales grow , intensifying competition may push auto firms into price cuts later this year . that will erode their margins , “ said qian xiaoyu , an analyst at united securities “雖然他們的銷售在增長,但激烈的競爭可能迫使汽車公司在今年往后的時間減價。這將縮窄他們之間的差距。 ”聯合證券的分析師錢小玉說。

The price cut will bring in a whole new group of customers who ruled it out at the higher price , and that microsoft should enjoy increased sales immediately , some analysts predicted 部分分析專家認為:價格的削減會在整體上帶來新的消費群體,而他們之前因為價格高放棄了此類產品,微軟應該對立即增長的銷售量比較滿意。

China ' s yi registered as outstanding chinese service providers , has fully liberalized the registration of chinese domain names , domain names recently also introduced price cuts and benefits activities 中國易訊作為優秀的中文注冊服務提供商,已經全面開放中文域名的注冊,近期還推出域名降價讓利活動。

But he said the company did not plan any further significant price cuts for 2005 . the slowdown in sales has been “ a drastic change , to be sure , “ nolasco said 站在政府的立場上,晨曦介紹說, “整車特征”管理政策出臺將會產生這樣的影響:一是對零部件供應商的調整有很大的促進作用。

If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model , you ' ll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon 若是為此縮手縮腳,總是等待新一輪的降價或新款機型,那你永遠不會擁有甚麼電子產品了。

In june , volkswagen cut prices in china by up to 11 . 7 percent , a month after gm offered 11 percent discounts . gm said it could not rule out more price cuts 據海關統計, 110月,客車產品出口3712輛,已遠遠高于去年全年的水平,而且30座以上的產品增長了一倍多,可見發展趨勢很好。

The blackout forbids publicising price cuts , but there is no matching ban on giving a customer a discount in the run - up to the sales , so long as they ask for one 這個禁令就禁止了公開的價格折扣,但是對于要賣的商品,沒有相配配的禁令能讓顧客在促銷期后仍不能享受折扣優惠。

At the same time , they note that the price cut will make it easier for apple to meet its goal of selling 1 million of iphone ( unites ) in the united state by the end of the month 于此同時,分析家們注意到蘋果公司通過降價手段可在本月末達到其百萬銷售額的目標。